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Impact Live: Advancing inclusion in turbulent times

March 11, 12-1 p.m. | Virtual

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are in jeopardy. Given this contentious landscape, how can Canadian business leaders stay committed to equity, ensuring it drives both social progress and business success? In this one-hour session, Ivey’s Kanina Blanchard and a panel of leaders will share key insights to inspire your corporate and personal equity strategies.

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What To Listen To

Ivey Impact Podcast

The Ivey Impact Podcast is the flagship series of Ivey Business School, one of Canada’s top institutions for business education. Tailored for modern leaders...

Ivey MBA Podcast

Our recruiting and admissions team is here to help and support candidates through the research and admissions process...

Clouston Conversations

Clouston Conversations from Ivey Business School amplifies the voices of tomorrow’s international business leaders. Hosted by recipients of the Ross N. Clouston Memorial Award.